Who does Monica work with?
Clients are of all ages, from diverse ethnic backgrounds, with a wide variety of problems or issues. She sees nearly as many men as women. Most clients refer themselves to her service; many come to her because a friend or family member has benefited from her service. Other clients are referred to Monica’s Couples and Relationship Counselling / Therapy by GP’s, Social Services, other counsellors, therapists, other agencies, psychiatrists, and Community Mental Health Teams.
What is counselling / therapy?
Counselling is a ‘talking therapy’ and encompasses many different approaches that are all designed to help people make changes in their lives. The words “counselling” and “therapy” are often used interchangeably. However, counselling refers more to advice giving and therapy to the necessity of understanding how to make the changes (refer to the mandates of the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario, CPRO).
For all of us there are times in our lives when we feel confused, distressed or unable to cope. A counsellor/therapist will provide you with an objective listening ear, in a safe and supportive environment. They will also help you to recognize your resources and successes.
People come to counselling/therapy for a range of reasons including relationship difficulties, bereavement, anxiety, depression and dealing with past experiences. The therapeutic relationship is crucial to the process of counselling. You will need to feel you can be open with your counsellor and trust them with the most intimate details of your life.
You should expect your counsellor/therapist to provide a series of confidential, professional appointments, in a suitable private setting.
The length of time you may come to counselling/therapy depends very much on the individual or couple. A specific difficulty may only take a few sessions, while more complex and deep-rooted issue may take longer.
How much will it cost and how do I pay?
Fees for counselling / therapy are $180 per session for both individuals and couples. The fee is payable by cheque, cash, credit card or e-Transfer at the end of each session.

How will I know if I have the right therapist for me?
Look for a therapist who specializes in the areas you wish to change. They should be a good listener and able to provide useful feedback and tools to help you make the changes you desire. A good couples therapist will not focus on individual fault but will support both of you and focus on how you relate to each other.
What will we talk about?
Whatever you choose that seems to be relevant. These may be things that are happening in the present or from your past.
How often are the sessions?
Once a week is recommended initially. This gives you time to reflect on the work, without there being too long a break in between. However perhaps only one session is desired or a session only when there is a crisis, it is up to you.
Who else will know?
It is very important that what you talk about is kept confidential. Counsellor/therapists have a professional obligation to maintain confidentiality and to have their work supervised to ensure they are working ethically and in your best interests. Supervisors and supervision groups are also bound to confidentiality. Therapists will reserve the right to inform appropriate outside agencies if they believe that you are at risk of harming yourself or others.
How long are sessions?
Individual and couples sessions are booked for 1 hour. Timing and frequency are agreed between you and the counsellor/therapist.
Did we miss something?
Feel free to ask Monica questions at [email protected]